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Valentine’s Day Writing
Using Valentine's Day Candy/Conversation Hearts and Valentine's Day vocabulary, students create an original short story or poem. You can use real candy hearts or the paper version I have included for you. Includes everything you need to get started right away. This activity has always been a hit with my students and I love to see what they create using the vocabulary as a writing prompt.
Valentine's Day Candy Heart Writing
Valentine’s Day – Writing, Poetry & More!
I've got you covered for a fun Valentine's Day package with games, poetry, and writing activities for February. These activities can be used for early finishers, at a writing center, for group work, or as bell-work. Includes nine different print-and-go activities! Also includes 3 pages of Valentine-themed writing paper. Activities include puzzles, poetry and writing prompts about Valentine's Day.
Winter Writing Bundle
Winter Writing and Grammar Package - Includes four of my best selling winter-themed writing and grammar activities. Please note that there is NO reference to Christmas in ANY of the included activities. Includes: Interview With a Snowman Winter Parts of Speech Review Winter Writing Task Cards Winter Subway Art Writing Prompt / Art Activity
Writing Pack
Looking for something to help your students with their WRITING? This easy-to-use set of activities, graphic organizers, and templates will help your students write persuasive, narrative, descriptive, and expository pieces. Templates can be used all year for multiple writing assignments and can easily be differentiated for varying grades and abilities. Includes five of my writing packages with detailed assignment sheets, mentor texts, self-assessment rubrics, peer editing activities, grading rubrics, brainstorming worksheets, and more! Includes over 60 pages of ready-to-use activities that will guide students through the writing process step-by-step.
Writing Pack
Middle Ages Bundle
Looking for engaging activities and projects related to the Middle Ages? This bundle includes six activities to help students learn about the Feudal system, heraldry, knights, daily life in medieval times, monks & nuns, and more! Each assignment includes a creative and detailed assignment sheet, templates (if needed), and a comprehensive grading rubric for five activities. Feudal Society Pyramid - students must visually represent feudal society's structure Personal Coat of Arms - students create their own! Middle Ages Newspaper Project - create a medieval newspaper Journal for a Monk or Nun - write about the life of a monk or nun Knights Wanted Poster - advertise for new knights Middle Ages Life Comparison Chart / Paragraph
Rocks & Minerals Bundle
Learning about rocks and minerals? These five engaging resources will help students learn and reviewthe properties of minerals, the three different types of rocks, and the rock cycle. The bundle includes graphic organizers, a review game, an interactive notebook template, mineral identification activities and more! Answer keys included where possible.
Plate Tectonics Graphic Organizers
Learning about plate boundaries and plate tectonics? These graphic organizers are an easy way for students to review different plate boundaries, learn about the Theory of Plate tectonics and organize their notes. Excellent for review or for group work. Includes three graphic organizers, a review activity, mapping worksheet, and extension and lesson Ideas. Answer keys are included for the graphic organizers.
Ancient Greece
Learn about the Greeks in Ancient Greece in this fun project! Students must create a newspaper that reports on the events, people, or places from the time period. Everyting included for your students to complete this on paper or online! Templates, instructions, ideas, and more!
LEARN MORE!8th grade Ideas from the Blog

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Reading Response Posters
Do your students struggle to response to literature in a mature and thoughtful way? Grab these posters and reference sheet that will help guide your students to more in-depth and clear responses to what they are reading!