Middle Ages Bundle
Looking for engaging activities and projects related to the Middle Ages? This bundle includes six activities to help students learn about the Feudal system, heraldry, knights, daily life in medieval times, monks & nuns, and more! Each assignment includes a creative and detailed assignment sheet, templates (if needed), and a comprehensive grading rubric for five activities. Feudal Society Pyramid - students must visually represent feudal society's structure Personal Coat of Arms - students create their own! Middle Ages Newspaper Project - create a medieval newspaper Journal for a Monk or Nun - write about the life of a monk or nun Knights Wanted Poster - advertise for new knights Middle Ages Life Comparison Chart / Paragraph
Renaissance – Mona Lisa Activity
Looking for a fun and creative way to review a famous Renaissance painting and artist? Students are asked to recreate the famous "Mona Lisa" by da Vinci from a more modern perspective. Teaches students to look at artwork in a new way and to put a modern spin on a classic! Students love this assignment and it's a fun way to wrap up a Renaissance Unit in Social Studies, art class or a study of Leonardo Da Vinci. This is a print-and-go resource!
Industrial Revolution
In this fun project, students become an inventor from the Industrial Revolution and market / sell one of their inventions. Students must research both the inventor and the invention and then "sell" themselves and their ideas in a marketing poster or brochure. Easily pick from one of the inventors or inventions included or have students research someone not included in my list. Includes everything you need to get started today!
Latitude & Longitude
Latitude and longitude can be a tough concept for students to learn. This set of worksheets includes reference/note sheets on latitude and longitude, the important lines of latitude (Equator, Tropics, Arctic / Antarctic Circle), and longitude (Prime Meridian, Date Line), and teachs students how to find a location on Earth using coordinates. This print and go resource includes all answer keys.
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